Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Apple 2013

Almost three years after I last bestowed my predictions upon the curious ears of my friends and family, I find myself compelled to once more share my thoughts for what Apples near future holds.

It's been a bumpy ride for the Cupertino based company as Google and Samsung have constantly been nipping ever closer to their heels.  With their timed hardware releases, half-assed features attempting to be "the first to the punch", and comedic commercials designed to paint the picture of superiority over Apple, it's been quite the adventure!  One thing they've done right is fool a lot of people.  The majority of people that buy Android devices are doing so for one of two reasons - either they despise Apple products because they want to be "non-conformists" and not support a "monopoly" company, or they have fallen for one or two features Android boasts, that Apple doesn't yet have.  It isn't until 6 months into their two year contract that they realize those features only work half of the time, or they're not really applicable on a day to day basis.

But enough of my ranting, and onto what I feel Apple has  going for them!

iOS 7

As some of you may or may not know, Jonny Ive is the man responsible for a very good chunk of Apple's success.  He's the man behind the scenes that most people don't know about.  He, along with Steve Jobs, is the man responsible for Apple's soar to success over the last decade.  The iMac was responsible for bringing Apple out of the slump that former CEO John Scully (Pepsi's CEO) had dragged Apple into - and Jonny Ive was responsible for the iMac.

Jonny Ive is the head of industrial design at Apple, a fancy title for the way Apple products look and feel.  The materials that are used, the manufacturing process, everything from head to toe on an Apple product is ultimately given the green light by Jonny Ive, and in most cases actually originated from his ridiculous mind.  The success in branding Apple has attained (number one in the US) has a lot to do with the quality of products, and Jonny Ive is the one that's ensured those products remain bar none.

Why tell you all of this?

Over the last few years Apple has received a lot of negative feedback for their mobile operating system (iOS) never changing, with each new release only having one or two major new features.  This has been the biggest complaint from Apple consumers, creating the achilles hill for Apple's competitors to gain an edge.  The man that, up until last year, has been in charge of iOS development (Scott Forstall) was "pushed out" of Apple.  The man that's taken his place?

Jonny Ive.

The significance of this move hasn't yet been realized by the masses, but I'm here to tell you - this is going to be huge for Apple.  To put the man that's largely responsible for Apple's success because of his unique eye in charge of both the hardware and the software design, is a move that's going to shoot Apple, once again, to the top of the tech world.

When I heard this news I immediately thought, "iOS 7 is going to be smoother, crisper, flatter, and an all around more beautiful experience.  Finally."

Several months later, we're seeing more and more people create concept designs (mock-ups of what they think the next iOS is going to look like) that are in line with what I thought last October.

iOS 7 Concept - Music app
iOS 7 Concept - Icons

Google Maps for iOS

Google has done a fantastic job with their iOS apps.  Google Maps, Google Search, Gmail - all three apps of which are available on both Android and iOS.  Interestingly enough, they look, feel and operate smoother in the iOS versions than their Android counterparts.  My hat's off to Google for the way they've designed those apps, fully utilizing the iOS engine.  I bring this up because those applications are the closest representation of what I feel iOS 7 is going to look and feel like.

Google Search for iOS
I found a fantastic iOS 7 concept video that I feel does a very accurate job at demonstrating the changes the new operating system will have.

There's been a lot of negative media in the last year and a half as more and more people are falling for the features Samsung is boasting in their Galaxy series.  Because of this, unsuspecting consumers that are new to the smartphone world are entering into it with a preconceived notion that "Apple is behind the curve".  With respect, Samsung has done a great job at hammering this notion into the consumers brain with advertisement after advertisement that blatantly attacks the iPhone, in favor of their latest and greatest feature that Apple doesn't have.  

Despite all of this, Samsung has only managed to top the latest iPhone's sales for a single quarter - Q3 2012. Interestingly enough, analysts have gone out of their way to attribute this to two things - the first being that the iPhone 4S was already 8 months old before the Galaxy S3 was even released, and the second being that most iPhone users were "holding out" for the iPhone 5 to be released.  Both are extremely valid points, and consequently that was the only quarter the iPhone was overtaken in sales.

Guess what?  This isn't new.  It's all part of the cycle that Apple and Samsung go through.  Samsung releases their next flagship device every year around Spring, or the beginning of Summer.  Why?  Because they know that's the perfect time-frame for them to maximize sales for a few months.  It's happened in the past, and it's going to happen this year with the Galaxy S4.

The iPhone 4S was released in September of 2011.  The Galaxy S3 needed to compete head to head with it, and Samsung knew that the iPhone 4S was too popular for the S3 to stand a chance for that holiday season.  So, they released it 8 months later, after all the hype and excitement had died down.  This also gave them the opportunity to add something to the device that they already knew the 4S didn't have.  So they slap something together to add to it, and release the device late enough after the 4S, but enough time before the next iPhone was to be announced to get a substantial amount of sales.  That release date was May 2012.  The iPhone 5 was then released in September 2012.  The same cycle happened with the Galaxy S4.  They waited to see what the iPhone 5 didn't have, slapped something together, and released the Galaxy S4 enough time after the iPhone 5 hype had died down, but plenty of months before the next iPhone was to be announced to get a good amount of sales.  The Galaxy S4 was released the end of April 2013.  This is in preparation for what's surely coming this September, so let's get to that!

iPhone 5S - The next big thing from Apple. 

There's a lot of speculation and rumors surrounding every Apple release, and the next iPhone (dubbed the iPhone 5S) is no exception.  You've no doubt heard a lot of different things that the next iPhone "is going to have", and I'm here to tell you that most of those rumors you hear are unfounded, and come from the hopes and dreams of techies like me :)

So let's straighten those out.

I'm going to tell you what I think the next iPhone is going to come with, why I think that, and provide you with a source or two that backs up my prediction.  So without further adue. . . let's start with the least exciting, and move up.

Form Factor

As has come to be Apple's reputation of cycle, the next iPhone has been dubbed with the "5S" title.  This has gained a reputation for being an "in between" model, because the physical appearance has little to no changes from it's predecessor.  The 3G and 3GS share appearance, the 4 and 4S share appearance.  As such, the people fully expect the "5S" to share it's physical form with the iPhone 5 we've all become familiar with - and I'm no exception.  Don't change a good thing.  The iPhone 5 is the thinnest, lightest, most durable flagship smartphone to date.  Though there are those that would like to believe the screen size is going to get a tad larger, Apple isn't one to come out with a design half-assedly.  Their decision to bump the screen size from the 3.5" of it's early devices, to the latest 4" of the iPhone 5 was founded upon extensive research regarding usability for consumers in everyday.  It's working for them, and the shelf life of Apple's 4" screen has at least two to three more years left, if not the rest of it's lifetime as a physical touch screen.

A7 Processor

Every release since the iPhone 4 has come with a new processor designed exclusively by Apple, with the title "A" followed by the number of the iPhone's generation.  This coincides with the iOS version that's released alongside the latest iPhone as well.  iOS 4 came out with the iPhone 4, iOS 5 came out with the iPhone 4S, which was the 5th generation iPhone.  iOS 6 is the current operating system that was released with the iPhone 5, mistakingly thought of as the 5th generation iPhone when it is in fact the 6th.  Same goes for the processors.  The 6th generation iPhone comes equipped with the A6 processor, and so it's safe to say the 7th generation iPhone will have the A7.  Typically each processor has twice the processing power as it's predecessor, and I see no reason this wouldn't be the case with this years release.

12MP Camera

There are more pictures taken with an iPhone than with any other camera.  Period.  The iPhone has dominated the photographic world, and point and shoot camera sales have dropped further and further each year.  Apple has gone through the logistics of what makes a picture amazing with a fine tooth comb, and they've spared no expense to ensure their camera is equipped with the absolute best lenses, sensors, and glass.  That's why when I take a picture with my iPhone 5's 8MP camera, and take the very same picture with a Samsung Galaxy S4's 13MP camera, I get the following results. Note - I haven't even looked up any images comparing the iPhone 5 camera to the Galaxy S4 camera yet, I'm just that confident that there's going to be little to no difference between the quality of the images, that I've boldly stated that and will post my findings regardless of what they are.  Remember as you're looking at these images that the iPhone 5 has an 8MP camera, Galaxy S4 has a 13MP camera.  5MP difference between the two devices:

Now that you've seen the difference an iPhone camera exhibits from it's closest competitor's +5MP camera - are you excited to see what pictures emerge from a 12MP sensor that comes from Apple? Yeah.  Me too.


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that's relatively new.  It was introduced in consumer products about a year ago, and has since paved it's way to the mainstream path gradually.  There are more and more android and windows phones coming equipped with this technology, and Samsung has utilized it to advertise an easy way to transfer pictures or files to your friends using "S-Beam".  Companies like Isis and Google are taking advantage of it with their implementations of mobile payments.

So what is this technology?  It's a glorified bluetooth and so much more.  Anything that has an NFC chip inside it can instantly detect other NFC chips and exchange information.  The differentiator from this and what we've come to know as bluetooth is that there's zero "pairing" involved.  If I wanted to communicate with another phone to, say, transfer a file to my friend via bluetooth, I would have to turn on my bluetooth, search for their device while they're device was in "discovery" mode, enter in a pin number, and then tell them to enter that same pin number to accept my "pair request".  At that point, I would then have to go to the file I wanted to share with them, menu, share via bluetooth, and select their phone from the list of paired devices.  It then searches for it, and they would have to accept the incoming transfer.  It's at this point that the file is sent from my device, and received onto theirs!  I feel as if a nap would benefit me after all of that.

Why NFC is different - Let's say I wanted to transfer that same file to my friends phone, and we both have NFC enabled phones.  We would both ensure NFC was turned on.  I would go to the file I wanted to share, touch menu, share via NFC, and simply touch my phone to theirs.  Bing!  They accept the transfer and it's done.

Now that you know what NFC is, let me tell you how it's going to revolutionize the way we live our lives.  I mentioned before a company called ISIS taking advantage of the NFC technology in the form of mobile payments.  Anybody with an NFC enabled device can download the ISIS app, and it becomes their "wallet".  There are vendors setup all over Salt Lake City, Utah and Austin, TX (the two trial markets) that are equipped to accept ISIS payments.  The concept is this - Let's say you're getting gas. You're at 7-11 (one of the participating companies in the ISIS trials), you bust out your phone and open your ISIS app.  It asks for your PIN.  You punch in 1234 and it lets you in, giving you access to your two credit cards, checking account, and savings.  Your specially equipped sim card recognizes your location, and ensures that it's the same location as the POS system that you're using to pay for your gas at.  This way nobody can simply discover your PIN, download the app, and use your money elsewhere.  The sim card's location and location of the point of sale must match for this form of payment to work, as an added measure of security beyond the PIN you entered in.

It's a fantastic idea, and the implementation seems to be working sufficiently.  There are a few downsides to it however, the first of which is the amount of time it takes to actually get to that step of "tap to pay".  The fact that you have to unlock your phone (which most likely has a pin number associated with it for those who are smart), open the ISIS app, enter in (another) PIN, choose a credit card or a checking account, and finally tap to pay.  Cumbersome, but necessary given the nature of the action.  You're dealing with sensitive information, and want to ensure it's as secure as possible.

Go ahead and take a look at the following GIF that illustrates the next predicted feature we'll be discussing.

Mobile Fingerprint Scanning. This changes everything. Again.

The Next Big Thing

In July of last year, Apple purchased a company called Authentec for $356 million.  This company specialized in Fingerprint Sensors and NFC technology.  Though some people thought that meant the iPhone 5 would have NFC, those more familiar with how Apple works (myself and others like me) knew that it wouldn't be so soon.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, Apple makes a concept prove itself in the industry before they perfect their own implementation and release it.

Well as we've just discussed above, NFC and Mobile Payments have proven themselves as a concept that has seen some mainstream already, and given the implementation is secure enough for the masses comfortability levels, it will quickly become the norm.

Imagine a world where you can step out of your car at a gas station, bust out your phone, slide your finger across the home button, tap it to the POS, and put your phone back in your pocket.

The efficiency of that is ridiculous, compared to the process that's currently being used.

But what are some other applications this fingerprint sensor could have?  Mobile payments is a big one, but for an iPad and iPod touch that doesn't have an internet connection away from WiFi, what good would a fingerprint sensor do them? A couple of ideas thrown around are an alternative to having a PIN number for locking your phone.  Easy enough to do, right?  Or enabling multiple "users" on a family iPad, possibly in conjunction with iOS 7's potential "Multi-User" feature for iPad's and iPod Touches?  Those are just a couple of spitball'd ideas, and we're sure to find out soon enough exactly what this technology can do for us.

As it stands, all anybody can do is speculate based off of rumors and reports coming from various different sources.  You can rest assured none of those sources will be Apple themselves, at least until June 10th, 2013.

We'll find out what iOS 7 is all about on this day, and it's going to be exciting for sure!  There hasn't been an official date announced for the Apple event that will detail the next iPhone though, but you can be sure that the moment we know, it'll be listed here as an update.

 - Colten Lindsey 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hello everyone. Welcome to Colten's Apple-holics Anonymous. The place where we're not actually trying to recover from an addiction - rather, to feed said addiction :D Yes, this is where Colten makes all of his predictions; what we can expect from apple in the coming months! So if you're not interested in potentially getting excited about something, with the possibility that said excitement is all for naught. . . then you should probably stop reading now! Otherwise - you are curious. You want to know exactly how accurate Colten is in his predictions, thereby creating a path with a fork in the road. The two forks?
fork 1 - Colten should be working for apple. He thinks, breathes and sleeps apple products, and knows where they've been, where they are and where they're going.
fork 2 - Colten shouldn't be allowed anywhere near apple, as he is just an obsessive bandwagon jumper that doesn't know shit.

So, let's get started!

As you well know, it is November 17, 2010. Apple has many products out that are revolutionary, but there are three (3) main categories that are of interest to me right now:

1 - iPhone
2 - iPad
3 - iOS

Now, the three categories tie together, but do I also enjoy everything else apple has to offer such as AppleTV, Mac OS, iMac, Macbook, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro and Mac Pro? Yes. I do. But we're focusing on these three for now, as this is where my true passion lies.

The predictions:

#1 - iPhone 4 - will either be released, or announced for Verizon Wireless during, or before February, 2011. Why? The company that produces CDMA based products announced back in September that it has started production on a chip designed for apple. Mass production. Could this be for the iPad that's already been announced for Verizon? Yes, it could! Would that be ok with me? HELL YES. I couldn't care less if Verizon got the iPhone in February, as I won't be switching to them at that point in time anyway. Why? iPhone 5, which we'll talk about later.

UPDATE: iPhone 4 was released for Verizon Wireless, alongside the iPad on February 10, 2011.

2 - iPad 2 - This hasn't been announced yet. The first generation iPad releases for Verizon in February, 2011. I think that soon after this (within 3 weeks), Steve Jobs will come out in a keynote and announce the iPad 2. This iPad, I feel will be available for AT&T and Verizon - TEMPORARILY. Steve won't specify that it's temporary, but it will be. Again, we'll get to why in a bit. The iPad 2 will have predicted features such as:

- Camera - Front and back facing Camera for Facetime
- Retina Display (on a screen that size. . speechless. . . but that's what apple does)
- Memory - two (2) different memory sizes will be available: 32GB, 64GB. They will forgo the 16GB, and pricing will look similar to this:
- WiFi
32GB - $499
64GB - $599
- WiFi + 3G
32GB - $599
64GB - $699

- Thinner Profile, as well as a higher screen-to-glass ratio for the screen.

UPDATE: There have been rumors about the supplier for the iPhone 4 camera.
"Feeding rumors and expectations that Apple will include at least a front-facing camera in the next-generation iPad, DigiTimes reports that market rumors in the region are pegging Taiwanese firm Largan Precision as having been selected to provide camera lens modules for the device. The company, however, refuses to comment on the rumors.

Largan Precision has declined to comment on market rumors indicating the company will be the sole lens module supplier for Apple's upcoming iPad 2 tablet with shipments to kick off in the first quarter of 2011, according to a company filing with the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE).

While the report does not specify whether Largan has been claimed to be providing VGA-resolution front-facing cameras or higher-resolution rear-facing cameras (or both), the report comes just as Largan has reportedly begun shipping 5-megapixel lens modules for tablet devices. According to that report, Largan has begun outsourcing production of VGA-resolution models in order to focus on the higher-resolution versions, leading to speculation that the company may be gearing up for high-volume production of the 5-megapixel module for a rear-facing camera on the iPad.

Largan currently supplies the 5-megapixel lens module for the iPhone 4's rear-facing camera." 12.1.10

UPDATE: Mockup of second-generation iPad spotted at CESDigg founder Kevin Rose today noted that he has received information from a reliable source indicating that Apple will announce the second-generation iPad within the next 3-4 weeks, possibly on February 1st.
I have it on good authority that Apple will be announcing the iPad 2 in the next "3-4 weeks", possibly Tuesday February 1st. The iPad 2 will feature a retina display and front/back cameras.In an update to the post, however, Rose notes that another source has indicated that while the display on the second-generation iPad will be of higher resolution than on the current models, it will not be a "Retina" display of the resolution seen on the iPhone 4 and fourth-generation iPod touch. A number of observers have noted that an iPad display at "Retina" pixel densities would be extremely difficult to achieve given the horsepower necessary to drive a display in the range of 2560 x 1920 pixels as would be required.Rose has offered some accurate information over the years, most notably
pinpointing a number of details of Apple's September 2008 iPod refresh. He has missed on several other predictions, however, suggesting that some caution should be taken with his most recent claims.Rumors of a new iPad announcement come as Verizon is reportedly set to announce next Tuesday that it will begin offering the iPhone, with several reports pointing to an early February date for availability. It is unknown when the second-generation iPad would become available under the scenario of a February 1st introduction, although many observers assume it will be close to the late March-early April timeframe of the original iPad. 1.9.11

UPDATE: The iPad 2 was announced in February, and released on March 11, 2011 for AT&T and Verizon Wireless. The predicted features above that were no included are the Retina Display, as well as a 16GB model being forgone. They have included models from 16GB - 64GB, both WIFI, and 3G capable.

3 - iOS - The next iOS update after 4.2 (maybe iOS5?) will be the one to implement todays greatest and most boasted features on the android platform. Though Apple is admittedly 'late' in their implementation of some features (copy and paste, picture messaging, horizontal keyboard, etc), they have implemented them the absolute best in my experience. So seamless, so flawless an experience to do as simple a task as copying text, and then pasting it into another field. Gorgeous. Another way that Apple has so far trailed in the time-line, is again dealing with text. More specifically this time text input. Android so far has multiple devices running "Swype", as well as varying implementations of "speech-to-text".

- "Swype" - Undoubtedly, Apple will release their own version of "Swype", and it will have a name surely preceded by an "i". This will be the smoothest, most accurate method you've ever used to drag a single (or multiple?!?) finger through what you want to say. I am stoked to see where they take it.
- Speech-to-text - Now, this is where I feel Apple will absolutely shine. This is what will change the way we all text, and make it a safer activity. Apple has already shown us how amazingly accurate their voice command technology works! First with the iPhone Voice control, then the iPod Shuffle, and now it will be a form of Speech-to-text. Some features that will differentiate it between what's currently out there? I can only think of one, but this would be amazing enough to trump all others:
- Pronunciation Recognition -You talk, it generates text and detects where pronunciation goes. Exclamation marks where the pitch of your voice dictates, commas where you pause accordingly, and CAPS LOCK when you're using raised voice levels! This would be nothing short of incredible, and I know Apple is doing something like it. No more "Hey comma I am coming comma but am running late comma sorry exclamation mark be there soon". Now here's all you say to get the same sentence: "Hey, I'm coming but I'm running late! Sorry! Be there soon." BAM. You're done.

UPDATE: Exciting news on the iOS side of things, iOS 4.2.1 was just released, and includes features such as:

17 Additional SMS tones
Custom SMS Tones assigned to contacts
and more. . .


UPDATE: There is speculation about new voice capabilities for iOS 5 - this further hints at my speech-to-text predictions.

Siri is set to bear fruit in the form of "deeply integrated" artificial intelligence and voice control for iOS 5, a change that could potentially transform the way iOS devices are used.

A year ago, Apple bought Siri, a virtual personal assistant startup that had released a very cool iPhone app. The Siri team and technology are now said to be a big part of iOS 5.

The use of Siri's artificial intelligence and assistance technology is said to be deeply integrated into the OS for all the different services offered. And the team is now putting the finishing touches on the elements that will be demoed at WWDC, we hear. This tech may also be opened to developers for use in third-party apps - though that information isn't quite as concrete.

- 03.29.11

4 - iPhone 5 (tentative name) - This, will be nothing short of amazing. Though the iPhone 4 is undoubtedly the most amazing handheld device out there, apple has a way of out-doing itself every damn time! So, I've decided to think more like apple engineers. . . "The iPhone 4 is incredible. . . what would make it even more incredible?". So, here's a list of the features I think the new iPhone 5 hardware will have:

- Same form factor - no change there. Maybe some minor cosmetic change to the antenna, though, this will be to please and/or shut the media up. iPhone 5 will not be dubbed with the same "antennegate" title that was in all honesty, fuel for the media.

- Camera - The iPhone 4 Camera is amazing. Specs? 5MP back camera, and 0.3MP front facing camera. Why is the front-facing camera so low? It doesn't need to be any higher for what it is intended for. Faces. Either way you look at it, using FaceTime or taking a picture of you and your buddy together. . . you're going to be holding the camera just far enough away to get your 'faces'. Faces are close, and you do not need extreme detail, as that would only serve in noticing the flaws on your loved ones faces. However, because there's no telling that to a consumer/competitor, apple will include a front-facing camera that's at least 1MP. Happy now?
The back camera is absolutely the best camera I've ever experienced on a phone, and I've experienced a lot of cameras. There are phones out there with 8MP cameras, and they don't hold a candle to the quality of the iPhone 4's 5MP camera. Apple has really done an amazing job of grasping the fact that the megapixels (MP) are not what make a great picture. However, this is an opportunity for Apple to out-do themselves again. So with the utmost care, and amazing technological ability, they'll design an 8MP camera for you. There you go. iPhone 5 Camera will be an 8MP back facing, and a 1+MP front facing.

- Memory - iPhone 5 will come in two options: 32GB, 64GB. As apps grow more intricate and are added every day, music and videos are not the only memory hogs anymore. This will eliminate the choice of a minimal 16GB in its entirety, because not only do you want to fit all the apps you use and love on your device, but Apple wants you to also. . . because where do you get all those apps you love? More space, more apps to buy. Simple.
- Video Camera - 1080i video recording. This will be absolutely stunning.
- A4 (second gen) Processor

Now that the hardware predictions are out there, let me tell you why I think the iPhone 5 will be released for multiple carriers. First off, what do I mean by "Multiple Carriers"? Haven't I already predicted that the iPhone 4 will be for multiple carriers, by bringing the 4 to Verizon in Feb, 2011? Yes. But the iPhone 5 will be a whole new ball game. It will be released for all four (4) major US carriers - AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint in the summer of 2011. I have three (3) main bases for this prediction:
- Timeline - It's just that time. Apple was right to be exclusive with one carrier for the launch of their mobile device in 2007. AT&T was well established, and they were able to "support" the predicted hardware requirements for data usage on a device such as this. Apple needed solid ground to take off from, if this revolutionary mobile device was going to fly. Now, 95% of iPhone owners are only with AT&T because of the iPhone. They've gained a reputation that's far exceeded the need to multi-contract.

- 4G Networks - AT&T are planning to launch their 4G network mid-2011.Verizon hasn't announced just yet when they are launching theirs. Sprint was first, followed very closely by T-Mobile in launching their 4G Networks. The iPhone 5 will be a 4G capable phone, but is limited by the network it's on. This has been experienced time and time again by the consumer! AT&T's 3G network just doesn't cut it. This is the perfect opportunity for Apple to show the true beauty and speed of the iPhone's hardware - hop onto a 4G network. No wait, make that multiple 4G Networks.

- Android - Available on all 4 networks currently, Google's android devices are gaining ground fast. Upon releasing the iPhone for multiple carriers, android sales will suffer dramatically. Personally, I'm STOKED for people to see surveys in the first couple quarters of this occurrence! If Apple were to stay exclusive, they would lose so many consumers to the ever-expanding android market. This isn't like Apple, and as such. . . well, you'll see what happens :D

UPDATE: Verizon Wireless CEO announced the first LTE (Verizon's 4G Technology) phone will be on the market by February 2011. They plan to launch their LTE 4G network in 35 markets across the US by the end of 2010. Would Verizon's iPhone 4 be a 4G capable device? I don't think so. But could the iPhone 5 this summer being a 4G device be considered a solidified theory in this situation? I'd like to think so. - 11.18.10

UPDATE 2: I just read that AT&T has already begun launching the same version of "4G" that T-Mobile has launched, which is HSPA+. This is essentially a "software upgrade" on existing towers, that give consumers "4G data speeds", up to 14Mb/s. T-Mobile has launched theirs, and is advertising as the "World's Largest 4G Network", but AT&T is right up there with them as far as HSPA+ coverage goes - they're just not advertising it as their 4G network. This will then solidify my theory of the iPhone 5 being released to all four carriers as apple will now only have to make two "versions" of the 5 hardware, because AT&T and T-Mobile's HSPA+ networks may run on the same frequencies. Currently, they're regular 3G has the same download frequency, but differ in upload frequencies, hence the unlocked iPhone will not get 3G with T-Mobile. It was interesting to find out that the HSPA+ was launched with AT&T just as much as T-Mobile, though nobody knows about it because of a different marketing approach. 11.18.10

UPDATE 3: Though I stated that I think the iPhone 5 will support 4G speeds, I feel the need to express an opinion that's opposing that. As Apple is known to wait until there's a solid foundation on which to base their marketing strategies on - I feel it's very possible that the iPhone 5 will not support 4G, as all four carriers are just beginning to implement it. Though they have had 3 models now that support 3G, and everyone would love to see a 4G version, it may very well be that the world will have to wait another year and half to have a 4G iPhone. 12.1.10

UPDATE 4: While many observers have been hoping that Apple will be an early adopter of LTE technology to support the ever increasing demands of iPhone users, past history has suggested that Apple will sit on the sidelines until the LTE service becomes more widespread and has had time to mature. Despite the fact that AT&T offered a 3G data network at the time of the iPhone's initial launch in 2007, the first-generation device did not support the technology and operated only on the carriers slower-but-more-widely-available EDGE network. Macrumors.com 1.5.11

UPDATE 5: Report: Apple to Release iPhone 4S, Not iPhone 5 This September on Sprint, T-Mobile
Click the image to open in full size.

A major story has broken that is quickly taking the tech blogosphere by storm. As reported within the hour by Forbes, analyst Peter Misek with the prominent firm Jeffries & Co. has come forward with claims that Apple's next generation iPhone will not be the iPhone 5 after all. Given the minor cosmetic changes we've all anticipated, the refreshed touchscreen handset will be released as the iPhone 4S.

"According to our industry checks, the device should be called iPhone 4S and include minor cosmetic changes, better cameras, A5 dual-core processor, and HSPA+ support," Misek stated in a research note to investors. Misek also says that his sources confirm the iPhone's expansion to Sprint and T-Mobile, a move that will effectively make Apple's celebrated handset available on all four major carriers in the US. Apple‘s anticipated iPhone upgrade, however, isn’t likely to include LTEfunctionality.

"Industry checks indicate Apple will likely announce Sprint, T-Mobile, and China Mobile as new carriers." The "iPhone 4S" name hasn't been widely used to discuss the next-generation iPhone. But due to the now-obvious fact that next month's WWDC is all about iOS and not new hardware, it appears that the plan inside Apple is to release the slightly modified iPhone 4S this September.

There you have it! My predictions. We shall see how they fair against the real world goodness that is Apple! Thanks for bearing with me, all there is to do now is wait! :D I'll keep you updated with some more predictions as they develop in my crazy brain, and as I research the threads and resources. Until then, tell me what you think about my latest ink on my opposite arm! :D haha

~ Colten Lindsey

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shit on the Little Guys!

Health insurance. Let's just talk about this, because we can? Great. How does one score a good health insurance plan? Well, let's go through the steps:

1. Find a company that has the features and benefits you'd like. In fact, find three.
2. Fill out applications, pee in the many a cups, get your physicals.
3. Wait to be approved for a plan, and start forkin' out the dough every month!

What is all this for? Self-assurance that everything is going to be alright if you're walking down the street when somebody in their toyota camry decides to pick up their phone and tell their BFF that "OMG I CANT BELIEVE U R GOING OUT WITH HIM", ergo slamming into your left leg as you try for your life to step out of the way of this swerving mad automobile from Japanese hell. (Well, everything will be alright medically) You'll still have to deal with the psychological babble that comes with seeing your boring-ass life flash before your eyes. But that's beside the point :) You are going to be "covered" financially for all these medical bills. If you're lucky enough to have been approved for your "choice A" company, then you'll have to shell out maybe $500-$1000 for the $30,000 procedures to fix you up. This is called a deductible, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. Why? Because that seems like a shit load of money! How dare they make you pay that proposterous amount! You're already shedding out $150-$300 a month for this "what-if" coverage, how do these people sleep at night?!?

Shut. Up.


As I throw this question on the table, think about your current situation. Why is it that humanity has the carnal desire to profit from anything they can? Why don't more people have the will to overcome that urge? I don't know. I do know that those who don't have the will, create companies like health insurance incorporations. These are organizations who are very strict with what customers they'll deal with, and which ones they'll turn away. Why?

It's all about risks. If there's a chance they'll need medical expenses paid for in the near future, and they won't make a substantial amount of money on you before that time comes, and after all the figures are added up. . . forget about it. You don't get covered. Tough Luck.

Yep. Luck. Sure.

Basically, 90% of those that have and qualify for insurance, don't need it enough to justify the payments they make every month. (yes, that statistic is my opinion, and in no way factual. Got a problem with that? Kiss it) 100% of those who don't qualify for health insurance, are the ones that absolutely NEED IT!! Pisses me off. (to say the least)

I have insurance. Through benefits, that my wife gets from her work. Ask me how much this insurance helps me. Go ahead. Ask.

The two most crucial, literally life-sustaining medications that I require are monthly prescriptions of $2,000. EACH. How much does my crappy insurance pay? Well, they pay a flat rate of 80%. Now, this is definitely better than not having insurance at all! However, due to my health. . . I do not get the insurance I deserve. If I had a $1,000 deductable that most people throw a shit-fit about, that deductable would be met in the first week of the year, never to be paid again for at least 360 days. All I'd be paying was the $25 co-pay for my prescriptions. As it stands now. . . Colten pays $491.78 for his enzymes a month (that's 20%), and over $500 for his Pulmozine (Actually, I haven't gotten that one for over 8 months, because I don't have money). Ergo, I'm slowly but surely decaying :D My lungs are at least.

I guess this is my way of venting. My way of dealing with the frustrations that come with having CF, and being poor. Maybe it'll get better! We'll just see. . .

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Living for what?

Ok friends.  I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be 'living' life.  Not to be living, but rather what we're preparing as teenagers to be doing for the good 3 quarters of the life ahead of us.  I've come to this conclusion: work.  What kind of work?  Well that's entirely up to you I'm sure!  It's been my observation that it's mostly mindless work that requires very little, if any skill.  There are the minority that go out there, extend their roots and find out just what they're capable of.  Some find success in their endeavors, while others may struggle to stay afloat around the expected norm.  But for the most part, we're all just working for the sake of maintaining our lifestyles.  

What lifestyle?  The style, where monday 
through friday (and at times, saturday) you go through the same daily routine?  Wake up.  Shower.  Consume sustenance to maintain your bodies nourishment.  Drive to work.  Work.  Drive home.  Consume sustenance to maintain your bodies nourishment, that
's been slowly drained from you for the last 8-10 hours.  Watch your fellow man living "the dream" of 
ardom in the form of their 'perfected' craft known as acting. . . and this you do for your entertainme
nt.  Go to sleep.  Do.  It.  All.  Over again.

I'm finding it very hard to find the joy in life, as I grow nearer and nearer to financial crisis.  All of our endeavors must initially be put into starting a 'life'.  Get your finances in order.  Once those are in order, you then spend your time maintaining your finances and your 'lifestyle.'  The majority of homosapiens it seems never get to really taste what it's like to not have to worry about being financially stable.  Everybody worries.  Where's the joy?  Does it really take 360 days of working, to earn that 5-day vacation?  Is our joy or time to relax really having to be earned?  That's less than 2% of our time spent, enjoying life.

Maybe it's in the small things.  Ya know, in between dinner and your tv show.  Just before you go to bed with your spouse.  Maybe it's the short phone call to your best friend, or your brother while you're taking your lunch at work.  I don't know!  Feels like even then one is stressed about all the responsibilities in life.

Will there every come a point where you're truly, 100% happy?